Python 3.10.3

This is the third maintenance release of Python 3.10

Python 3.10.3 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations.

Major new features of the 3.10 series, compared to 3.9

Among the new major new features and changes so far:

  • PEP 623 — Deprecate and prepare for the removal of the wstr member in PyUnicodeObject.
  • PEP 604 — Allow writing union types as X | Y
  • PEP 612 — Parameter Specification Variables
  • PEP 626 — Precise line numbers for debugging and other tools.
  • PEP 618 — Add Optional Length-Checking To zip.
  • bpo-12782: Parenthesized context managers are now officially allowed.
  • PEP 632 — Deprecate distutils module.
  • PEP 613 — Explicit Type Aliases
  • PEP 634 — Structural Pattern Matching: Specification
  • PEP 635 — Structural Pattern Matching: Motivation and Rationale
  • PEP 636 — Structural Pattern Matching: Tutorial
  • PEP 644 — Require OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer
  • PEP 624 — Remove Py_UNICODE encoder APIs
  • PEP 597 — Add optional EncodingWarning

bpo-38605: from __future__ import annotations (PEP 563) used to be on this list in previous pre-releases but it has been postponed to Python 3.11 due to some compatibility concerns. You can read the Steering Council communication about it here to learn more.

More resources

And now for something completely different

The omega baryons are a family of subatomic hadron (a baryon) particles that are represented by the symbol Ω and are either neutral or have a +2, +1 or −1 elementary charge. They are baryons containing no up or down quarks. Omega baryons containing top quarks are not expected to be observed. This is because the Standard Model predicts the mean lifetime of top quarks to be roughly 5*10^−25 seconds which is about a twentieth of the timescale for strong interactions, and therefore that they do not form hadrons.


VersionOperating SystemDescriptionMD5 SumFile SizeGPG
Gzipped source tarballSource releasef276ffcd05bccafe46da023d0a5bb04a24.4 MBSIG
XZ compressed source tarballSource release21e0b70d70fdd4756aafc4caa55cc17e18.4 MBSIG
macOS 64-bit universal2 installermacOSfor macOS 10.9 and laterd05c3699c5a9d292042320f327a50b8d38.5 MBSIG
Windows installer (64-bit)WindowsRecommended9ea305690dbfd424a632b6a659347c1e27.1 MBSIG
Windows installer (32-bit)Windows6a336cb2aca62dd05805316ab3aaf2b526.0 MBSIG
Windows help fileWindowsd0689ad87c834c01fe99bcc98dbbd2ff8.8 MBSIG
Windows embeddable package (64-bit)Windows413bcc68b01054ae6af39b6ab97f4fb48.1 MBSIG
Windows embeddable package (32-bit)Windows15ab9ad0dcd9e647e0dd94bb987930a17.2 MBSIG
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    Натуральні ступеня деяких чисел

    Найчастіше на практиці зустрічаються ступеня чисел 2 і 10. Ступені двійки поширені в комп’ютерній техніці, а ступеня десятки, наприклад, у фізиці.

    Наведемо таблицю натуральних ступенів двійки до 10000:
    21 = 2, 22 = 4, 23 = 8, 24 = 16, 25 = 32, 26 = 64, 27 = 128, 28 = 256, 29 = 512, 210 = 1024, 211 = 2048, 212 = 4096, 213 = 8192.

    Якщо ми зробимо те ж саме з десяткою то отримаємо:
    101 = 10, 102 = 100, 103 = 1000, 104 = 10000.

    Зверніть увагу, що по-суті показник ступеня вказує, скільки нулів буде після одиниці. Тому при зведенні числа 10 в якусь би не було натуральну ступінь можна не виконувати множення, а просто дописати після числа 1 кількість нулів, рівне показником ступеня.

    Зведенні двійки в ступінь також часто обчислення можна виконувати в умі, т. К. Кожна наступна ступінь числа відрізняється від попереднього множенням на 2, що зазвичай легко виконати. Наприклад, якщо нам дано 28 і ми не пам’ятаємо, скільки це буде, то можна зробити так:
    28 = 27 * 2 = 128 * 2 = 256
    28 = 26 * 2 * 2 = 64 * 2 * 2 = 256
    і так далі.

    Слід особливо обумовити натуральні ступеня чисел -1, 0 і 1. Нуль завжди буде дорівнює 0, а одиниця – одиниці:
    02 = 0, 010 = 0, …
    12 = 1, 15 = 1, 110 = 1, …

    Це й зрозуміло, скільки одиницю саму на себе не множ, вона завжди залишиться одиницею. З нулем схожа історія – якщо серед множників є хоча б один нуль, то все добуток дорівнює нулю. А ми маємо взагалі твір одних нулів.

    Ступені числа -1 по модулю, як і у випадку одиниці, завжди рівні 1. А ось знак результату залежить від парності показника ступеня:
    -12 = 1, -13 = -1, …

    Але ця закономірність поширюється на всі числа. Якщо негативне число зводиться в парну ступінь, то результат позитивний, якщо в непарну, то від’ємний.

    Наведемо таблиці ступенів ще деяких чисел:
    31 = 3, 32 = 9, 33 = 27, 34 = 81, 35 = 243, 36 = 729, 37 = 2187, 38 = 6561
    41 = 4, 42 = 16, 43 = 64, 44 = 256, 45 = 1024, 46 = 4096
    51 = 5, 52 = 25, 53 = 125, 54 = 625, 55 = 3125
    61 = 6, 62 = 36, 63 = 216, 64 = 1296, 65 = 7776
    71 = 7, 72 = 49, 73 = 343, 74 = 2401
    81 = 8, 82 = 64, 83 = 512, 84 = 4096
    91 = 9, 92 = 81, 93 = 729, 94 = 6561

    Зверніть увагу, що ступеня числа 4 мають такі ж значення як кожна друга ступінь числа 2. Враховуючи, що 22 = 4, це можна зрозуміти.

    Також ступеня числа 8 – це кожне третє значення ступенів числа 2. Адже 23 = 8.

    Схожа закономірність спостерігається у чисел 3 і 9, оскільки 32 = 9.

    ArcGIS 10.3: The Next Generation of GIS Is Here

    We’re excited to announce that ArcGIS 10.3 is now available. ArcGIS 10.3 is a major release that will help you discover, make, use, and share maps from any device, anywhere, at any time.

    ArcGIS 10.3 includes new apps and enhancements that will boost your efficiency and extend the impact of your work in your organization. Here are some of the highlights:

    ArcGIS Pro – Your New ArcGIS for Desktop App

    ArcGIS Pro reinvents desktop GIS. This brand new 64-bit desktop app lets you render and process your data faster than ever. With ArcGIS Pro, you can design and edit in 2D and 3D, work with multiple displays and layouts, and publish maps directly to ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS, making them available on any device.

    ArcGIS Pro is currently in prerelease and will be available to you as part of your ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop license. Stay tuned for the final release in January.

    More Tools for ArcMap

    At 10.3, ArcMap is better than ever, with improvements such as new analysis and automation tools, infographics capabilities, and tools for managing your data more efficiently. You can even run any version of ArcMap side by side with ArcGIS Pro.

    ArcGIS for Server is now a complete Web GIS

    ArcGIS Online provides Web GIS, hosted by Esri. With ArcGIS 10.3, ArcGIS for Server delivers Web GIS in your own infrastructure. This is possible because ArcGIS for Server Standard or Advanced now entitles you to Portal for ArcGIS. Portal for ArcGIS unlocks the full suite of ArcGIS apps, including the new Web AppBuilder, so everyone in your organization can leverage your GIS work.

    ArcGIS Online continues to add new capabilities

    3D begins to roll out across the entire platform

    We are continuing to realize the vision of taking 3D information and bringing it to life in browsers and applications that run on devices. At 10.3, we’re delivering a whole new 3D editing and visualization experience for the Desktop with the introduction of ArcGIS Pro. What’s more, you can share the 3D scenes you create in ArcGIS Pro with anyone using ArcGIS Online, which now includes a new Web Scene Viewer. A web scene can have layers, including elevation layers, imagery layers, tiled layers, and feature layers. In addition to viewing scenes created and published using ArcGIS Pro, the ArcGIS Online Web Scene viewer can also be used to create 3D Scenes by mashing up existing layers in your Web GIS, right from your browser. Content that you have already captured can be brought into these scenes and displayed so users can work with that information in 3D.

    Over the next few months, subsequent releases will deliver even more 3D capabilities including the ability to publish and disseminate web scenes and layers using your own ArcGIS Servers, including support for sharing photo realistic 3D models (such as detailed buildings), and 3D-enabled mobile applications that work on devices, such as tablets and smartphones.

    Real-time GIS at 10.3

    At 10.3, real-time, streaming data is fully integrated into ArcGIS. The GeoEvent Extension for Server delivers improved performance with increased throughput capability, faster spatial filtering, and the ability to scale-out by adding machines to a cluster.

    A suite of new spatial operators have been added to GeoEvent for even more powerful spatial filtering options, such as intersect, touches, and overlaps, all of which can be applied to any or all GeoFences.

    New spatial processors are included, such as Buffer Creator, Intersector, and Symmetric Difference, delivering an unprecedented array of real-time spatial analytics. Even more real-time spatial processors are available in the Esri Gallery on GitHub. You can even create your own.

    At ArcGIS 10.3, real-time web maps are here thanks to the introduction of the Stream Service and Stream Layer. Now, real-time layers can be configured, symbolized, and filtered directly in a web map and added to ArcGIS apps and custom applications.

    More opportunities for developers

    There are different aspects to developing with the ArcGIS platform, and 10.3 introduces new capabilities for developers across the board. First, web development gets better, more powerful, and easier with enhanced APIs, new layers for working with information such as real-time that is streamed into browsers, new visualization capabilities for working with these layers, and new functionality for working with proportional symbols and performing dot density mapping. All of this is available in the JavaScript API and in our web GIS developer model.

    Another area that is new in 10.3 is the introduction of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, which not only allows users who are not developers to assemble applications, but also gives developers opportunities to build their own widgets that can be used with Web AppBuilder.

    10.3 marks the beginning of a wave of releases that will further help developers build mobile applications using ArcGIS Runtime. This will allow developers to take advantage of the same technology that Esri uses to build our mobile applications including Collector, Explorer, and Operations Dashboard. These releases will expose the new 10.3 capabilities for working with 3D, real time, mapping, and offline to developers building native applications for the different mobile platforms.

    Last but not least, developers working with ArcGIS Pro can leverage Python to automate tasks. Developers will also be able to extend ArcGIS Pro with add-ins using the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET. This will be available in beta during the first quarter of 2015.

    Join the conversation about ArcGIS 10.3. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and GeoNet using #12DaysArcGIS.